Ficus ingens ‘Variegata’ (4″ pot)


This plant is a small tree or can be pruned into a shrub, known as red leaf fig, because the new growth is a gorgeous coppery red. The berries are edible raw or cooked and often used in preserves or other recipes. The plant is sometimes grown as a bonsai, highly valued for the red color of the leaves. Great for a collection.

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In its native habitat, the plant starts as a epiphyte growing aerial roots with age down into the soil, allowing the plant to grow strong and vigorously wrapping around the host smothering and disabling it from growing larger, resulting in eventually killing the host. Normally with human cultivation, it is grown in containers, rarely mounted and grown epiphytically. Grow in a chunky airy well-draining soil like a mix of rocks, bark etc… Let the medium completely dry in between watering. Prefers a position in very bright indirect light. Protect from freezing temperatures. 

Gardino Nursery