Adenium multiflorum – Impala Lily (2″ pot/overgrown ready for bigger pot)
An interesting, low-effort plant that forms a fat, round, caudex (trunk). They are usually leafless for most of the year but bloom beautiful pink and winter flowers during the winter. Makes a perfect addition to your plant collection for our caudex collectors, also great for Bonsai material.
Ships in 2″ pot. Does not come with flowers.
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Adenium multiflorum – native to central and eastern Southern Africa is a small, succulent tree that is usually found in dry woods and grasslands. It’s a low-effort plant that develops an interesting, smooth, fat round trunk. The bark is shiny, brown/grey color. They have can reach to be about 3 feet when grown in containers. They have fleshy, smooth-edged, green leaves, that cluster at the growing tips of the branches which shed before flowering. Although during the winter months, they lose their leaves they have some of the prettiest flowers that generally bloom in the wintertime and are a bright pink and white color. They require full sun and good drainage but are drought tolerant. They make a great Bonsai plant and can be put indoors.
FAMILY: Apocynaceae
ORIGIN: Southern Africa
TYPE/USES: Succulent tree
MATURE SIZE: 3 ft tall.
TEMPERATURE: 50 – 90 degrees F.
FLOWER: Winter
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