Hoya pubicorolla ssp. anthracina (former black dragon) (4″ pot)


Light green leaves, no flecks. Dark flowers, fragrant at night.

Ships in 4″ pot. Photo #2 and #3 ONLY, are an example on size plant for sale.
Our plants are grown outside in FL, imperfections/blemishes are possible.

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This was formerly known as Hoya pubicalyx “Black Dragon”. This is not a hybrid.
This type of “pubicalyx” has more of a plain light green narrow leaf with no markings or flecks. It is a vigorous fast grower for me.
It took a couple years to bloom for me and the flowers are gorgeous. The shade varies each time you see flowers. I haven’t seen “black” flowers but they are normally a darker shade of pink and very hairy. The flowers are also very fragrant at night.

We grow our Hoyas outside in south FL in filtered light, we keep soils on the dry side, and we protect very well from cold temperatures. 

All flower pictures were taken of our mature mother plants, not the young plants for sale.

Gardino Nursery