Hoya aff. obscura (false H. Sunrise) (4″ HB) (blooming size) (sun-stressed)


I received this as Hoya ‘Sunrise’ and you probably have as well from other sellers. When I got it, I thought something was off because the leaves were really huge next to my Hoya ‘Sunrise’ that I have grown for over 20 years. After some discussion with other Hoya old timers, we believe that this is not the true original ‘Sunrise’, it’s an imposter.
It does remind me of Hoya obscura. It has beautiful leaves that turn super red when sun-stressed. The flowers are typically yellow but can sometimes be pinkish and are cute as a button. It is a good bloomer once mature and super easy to grow. 

Ships in 4″ hanging basket. Photo #2 shows the EXACT plant for sale.
Our plants are grown outside in FL; imperfections/blemishes are possible.

Out of stock

Gardino Nursery