Hoya imbricata (4″ hb) (check back later)
An unusual shingle-type Hoya. The leaves are unique and oftentimes have a beautiful silver mottled pattern. It is also a good bloomer for me and the flowers are super neat and stunning to see. Not recommended for beginners.
Ships in 4″ hanging basket. Photo #2 and #3 ONLY, show an example on what you will receive.
We grow our plants outside in FL; imperfections/blemishes are possible.
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This Hoya is a shingle plant which means that the leaves attach on surfaces like a suction cup. This is a really pretty species because you can see shades of green, pink and purple on the leaves and they are also have some flecks. You can grow this Hoya mounted on a piece of log, tree fern, or plaque. If it doesn’t have a flat surface, the leaves curl and close up making pockets. In nature, it is an epiphyte and it climbs up trees attaching itself to branches and trunks for many feet.
Although this hoya is normally purchased for the fascinating leaves and the way it grows, the flowers are also very appealing. The flowers are yellow with many hairs and the clusters really stand out. This is quite an unique and interesting Hoya for your collection and it is also rarely offered for sale.
We grow our imbricata’s outside in south Florida in bright filtered light and we protect very well from cold temperatures. This hoya is native to The Philippines (doesn’t get cold).
We keep them in a shade house at the nursery that receives water daily in the summer. This Hoya likes a lot of humidity and moisture. It might be a good idea to mist the plant daily if you live in a dry climate, in addition to its normal watering.
Would recommend for more experienced and serious collectors only.
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