Hoya phyllura EPC-899 (4″ pot) (order add-on) (1 add-on per person/address)
Gorgeous waxy yellow flowers. Blooms non-stop (for me outside in South Florida.) Very uncommon and underrated.
Photo #2.
$1 add-on! Only (1)ONE add-on per person/address per weekly restock. We will remove ALL from your order if you do not follow rule.
Our plants are grown outside in FL; imperfections/blemishes are typical for this one.
Out of stock
Rarely offered Hoya phyllura or also known as H. linusii. Thin large plain leaves. Gorgeous porcelain-like yellow flowers, large in comparison to H. carnosa. Early bloomer and frequent repeat bloomer once established. The flowers have a mild but nice perfume scent. Native to Kalimantan, Sabah, and Sarawak.
We grow our Hoyas outside in south FL and the information provided is based on growing in our climate and environment only. We keep them in shady or filtered light areas outdoors and they are well protected during cold nights. Water when starts to dry out. Don’t let get bone dry (has thin leaves) and don’t keep moist.