Hoya forbesii (4″ pot) (order add-on) (1 add-on per person/address)


Very unique hoya all around with gorgeous leaves. Uncommon.

Photo #2.
$1 add-on! Only (1)ONE add-on per person/address per weekly restock. We will remove ALL from your order if you do not follow rule.
Our plants are grown outside in FL; imperfections/blemishes are typical for this species.

Out of stock


This unique hoya has dark green leaves with darker green veins. Sometimes the veins are less visible and sometimes the leaves develop some silver flecks.
The base of the leaf is narrow and then it gets wider and more round and finishes off with a blunt tip. The leaves remind me of finlaysonii/clemensiorum group, but the flowers are a mystery because they do not look like your typical H. finlaysonii section flowers.
This hoya bloomed for me just after two years from a small plant. The flowers are light yellow with off white corona. The flowers are so shiny and look like porcelain. It is a frequent bloomer once established. This is a really unusual hoya and rare to find for sale.
We grow our hoyas outside in south FL in filtered light, we keep the soil slightly dry and we protect well from cold temperatures. This hoya appreciates humidity and will bloom better.

Gardino Nursery